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If you need help with your garden project I am happy to discuss options with you.

Brighten up Your Garden with Our High Quality Turf
Replacing tired or weed-ridden grass can make a huge difference to a property and really brighten up the garden. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to level out any humps or bumps at the same time, making mowing a lot easier. We offer everything from a strip and re-lay to turfing blank canvas new build gardens to seeding problem or large areas. When laying new turf, unless the ground is particularly good, we almost always import a layer of high quality topsoil to form a well draining, level base for the turf to start its new life.
Turf Varieties
Generally speaking we use two types of turf of which one is a bit more budget and the other slightly finer. Both turf types are actually made of a very similar grass mix however the cheaper one has a degradable netting just underneath it (designed to make the grass easier to lift from the field) which is not included in the other version. For lawn repairs or extensions to existing lawns it is usually advisable to use the budget version as it blends in particularly well to other lawn areas.
We give your turf a strong start to life by rotovating the ground if it is heavily compacted, followed by levelling and light compaction to create a smooth, even surface. We then dress the soil with a specific pre-turfing fertiliser, which ensures strong root growth in the first few months of being laid.
During a site visit we are happy to advise about which type of turf is best suited to your project or we can provide you with comparison costs in order to make an informed choice.
Turf Aftercare & Information
It is vital to keep your new turf well watered for at least the first two weeks after it has been laid. This is particularly crucial in the warmer summer months and in periods of no rain. For larger areas a sprinkler system can be used but make sure that all areas are watered equally and if you lift up a small section of turf, that the ground underneath it is wet.
Avoid walking on the turf for the first two weeks to give it a chance to settle in. Use planks to walk on if you need to cross it but make sure you pick them up again after use.
Depending on the season, the first cut is usually necessary after about two weeks. For this first cut just do a light trim then lower the cutting height over the next two cuts to reach your normal cutting height.
We fertilise the ground with a pre-turfing fertiliser before laying your new turf and it is not advisable to fertilise again until another 6 months has passed at which point you can resume your normal feeding program.
It is common to have mushroom growth appearing on your new lawn but this is nothing to be concerned about and they will disappear again once the lawn has been mown.
Keeping on top of weed growth as they appear is the best method of maintaining a weed-free lawn. Ensure you remove the root when digging up any weeds.
We offer a lawn mowing and maintenance service if you need assistance with looking after your new lawn.
Other Services

Garden Design
Need help putting all your ideas together into one cohesive plan? A garden design could be the difference between 'nice enough' and 'stand out'. Read more about this service on our design page.

We have dedicated landscaping teams with an established reputation for quality work, our broad landscaping service covers most aspects of hard or soft landscaping required in your garden.

Need help maintaining your garden? With endless tasks to do in any garden we can help you to identify the most important aspects giving the greatest results in the least amount of time.