How to Properly Maintain Your Landscape Design – Our Guide

maintaining landscape design george stone garden
maintaining landscape design george stone garden

Landscape maintenance is a crucial part of ensuring that your garden always looks good. You should look at landscape maintenance from a seasonal perspective. After all, groundskeeping during spring is very different in comparison to groundskeeping during autumn.

Your landscape design will need some pampering after a long winter to be prepared for the long growing season ahead. Here are some important “spring cleaning” things you should be doing in order to maintain your landscape design:

Keeping Your Landscape Design Well Maintained

Maintaining your grounds

It is important that you keep your existing garden in good condition. Start by looking at your landscape maintenance from a seasonal perspective and create a groundskeeping checklist for spring.

Then, you can do important basic maintenance like practising organic weed control or using herbicides. It is definitely important that you get ahead of your weeds or they will take over your whole garden.

You also want to pay attention to the mowing schedule of your lawn, as it can become harder to do when you put it off.

landscape design lawn mower
landscape design lawn mower

Preparing for seasons

Landscape maintenance for winter should begin in the autumn in the form of preparation. You want to make sure that you can protect your plants from damage. It is important that you avoid putting off this task until last minute because it will be much harder if you wait until the weather is at its worst.

It is important that you be smart about your landscape maintenance. Prepare ahead of time instead of having to worry about the after effects of winter on your garden.

landscape design planting flowers

Checking your plants

Depending on what plants you have in your garden, you can put in more or less when autumn comes around. If you have a large vegetable garden, for example, your workload might increase. After all, these plants involve more extensive harvesting and handling.

It’s incredibly important that you do not let things slide in the autumn, even if you don’t have a plan for spring. Maintaining your landscape design is a four-season activity. You don't want to fall behind, and you should make sure that you’re prepared for the coming season.

Guarding against the winter snow

Unfortunately, not all maintenance will fit certain seasons. When winter arrives, you want to make sure that you make informed decisions based on your circumstances. You will probably need to trim your shrubbery, fix bare patches on your lawn, trim your hedges and guard against frost and snow.

Find out how to prevent winter damage.


When it comes to maintaining your flowers and any vegetables you might have, you should most definitely make sure that you know how to water them properly.

Watering your plants is a crucial part of good landscaping, while also keeping everything looking lush, bright, and beautiful. It's a great idea to put some effort into understanding the needs of each of your plants and any other greenery in your garden.

For a little extra help you can read these 10 golden rules for watering.

landscape design watering can over flowers
landscape design watering can over flowers

Are you in need of some landscape design help?

If you are in need of some help or advice with landscape design or maintenance, hiring a professional can be a good idea.

George-Stone Gardens is a team of friendly and professional gardeners, based in Cheltenham. We can take the hassle out of garden design and maintenance for you. Why not contact us today to see what we can do for you?

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