Winter Garden Improvements
Book a free consultation to find out more
If you need help with your garden project I am happy to discuss options with you.

Planting Plans
Have you got a border that you simply despair with or is in a tricky spot? Let us create a planting plan for you to make the most of your space and give you year round interest regardless of the aspect. With such a large array of plants to choose from, doing a planting plan without specialist knowledge can be a headache – let George-Stone Gardens do the leg work for you, so you can relax and simply enjoy the display year after year.
Garden Improvements
Using winter to tackle garden projects ahead of the following season is the best way to make use of down time and be fully prepared for the next year when all the weeds will be out in full force again. For example, clearing beds of any current weed inhabitants, treating your lawn for moss or thinning out congested plants are all good things to do at this time of year. In addition, you could consider putting in lawn or border edging to give you that visual finished look as well as making your mowing much easier - at this time of year gardening companies tend to be less busy so waiting times are greatly reduced which is a bonus!
Garden Design
Autumn and early winter is an excellent time to get your new garden design underway whilst memories of summer and the practicalities of your garden needs are still fresh in your mind. Starting your design process at this time of year means you will be ahead of the race when the spring rush starts so that your garden can be built with plenty of time before summer begins.
Check out our garden design page for more details on the fixed price packages we offer.
Bare Root Planting
Winter is the only time of year that bare root stock can be planted. Bare root means that the plant arrives without a pot of compost surrounding its roots and is most commonly found in hedging plants and trees e.g Beech or Pleached Hornbeams. Bare root trees tend to be much cheaper than container grown trees but they can have a slightly lower success rate in getting established and care must be taken to plant them immediately upon delivery or heel them into the ground for temporary holding if this is not possible. It is usually well worth the small risk for the amount of money that is saved compared to container grown stock of the same size.

How to get more from your garden during winter!
At this time of year a garden can look really drab and miserable but it doesn't have to be that way. We’ve selected 5 of our favourite improvements to help you get more enjoyment from your garden this winter.
Fill out the form to get your copy today.
Other Services

Garden Design
Need help putting all your ideas together into one cohesive plan? A garden design could be the difference between 'nice enough' and 'stand out'. Read more about this service on our design page.

We have dedicated landscaping teams with an established reputation for quality work, our broad landscaping service covers most aspects of hard or soft landscaping required in your garden.

Need help maintaining your garden? With endless tasks to do in any garden we can help you to identify the most important aspects giving the greatest results in the least amount of time.