10 Easy to Grow Flowers For Your Garden

Not everyone has a lot of time to spend on their garden, or the confidence to know which plants will work or where. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of ten easy to grow flowers for your garden that are sure to make your outside space look stunning with little effort. These are also a great place to start if you’re just starting out in the world of gardening. So, put on those gardening gloves and get planting!

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1. Sunflower

The first item on our easy to grow garden flower list has to be the amazing sunflower. Kids love them and they are really easy to grow! The Mongolian Giant Sunflower can grow up to 14 feet tall. Simply sow the seeds into the ground in a sunny but sheltered spot and watch them start growing. Just make sure that you provide support for the stems as they start to get taller.

2. Sweet Pea

Sweet peas smell absolutely fantastic, and the more flowers you pick the more they produce. In addition to this, the large seeds make them easy to handle . These pretty garden flowers require a nice sunny spot, something to climb on like a fence and plenty of water. Do keep an eye out for slugs and snails though, as they particularly like the young shoots.



easy flowers for your garden sweet pea
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3. Nigella

A beautiful and easy plant to grow, simply scatter the seeds across a bare patch of soil and nature will do the rest. Don’t these flowers look delicate?

4. Aquilegia

These plants grow from seed and will come back again each year. Once they have established themselves in your garden they will set seed all by themselves so you won't be short of new plants. Another benefit of these flowers is that they will tolerate most conditions - sun or semi shade.

Aquilegia columbine
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5. Eschshcolzia

If you don't find watering much fun the the Eschshcolzia is the perfect plant for you. These brightly coloured annuals are very happy in dry solid and full sun. What’s more, these plants tend to look after themselves; simply scatter the seed where you want them and watch the magic happen! Each year they will set seed bringing beautiful summer colour back to your garden.

6. Pansy

A list of flowers for your garden would not be complete without the humble Pansy. You can grow these lovely little plants from seed but it is even easier to grow them from pansy plug plants. Just remember to dead head the flowers to encourage re-growth.
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7. Nasturtium

Nasturtiums are a great plant for the kids to have a go at growing. Not only do they grow quickly but they are very colourful as well. Simply wait until after the frosts then sow your seeds directly into the soil.

8. Marigold

A staple in the world of bedding plants. Marigolds are another fast growing colourful garden flower. There is a marigold to suit every spot in your garden; from tall types for the backs of borders to shorter types for posts and containers. Just find a nice sunny spot and wait for the magic to happen!
easy flowers for your garden marigold
easy flowers for your garden geranium

9. Geraniums

These pretty low maintenance plants are always popular and you can grow from seed or bare roots. They will return year after year and add a splash of gorgeous colour to all parts of your garden.

10. Fuchsias

Last but not least, fuchsias are easy-to-grow plants and are ideal for hanging baskets and containers. They come in an array of different colours and sizes, so the only hard part is choosing which ones you want!
easy flowers for your garden fuschia
george stone garden design

Finding Flowers for your Garden

 This list should have given you a bit of inspiration for adding some colour and interest to your garden.

If you’re still not sure about how to get started or need some more advice or help with your outside space, why not get in touch with us? Our friendly and professional team have many years of experience with all aspects of garden maintenance and design.

You can also find out about our garden design service click here. Or, if you would like a cheltenham gardener to provide regular maintenance for your garden get in touch with us here.

George-Stone Gardens LTD

14-15 Montpellier Arcade, Cheltenham, GL50 1SU
Company No: 8372480, VAT No: 998 5584 31

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